Sunday, August 24, 2008

Political Correctness is Censorship

I am walking down the Las Vegas Strip on my sons’ birthday. Elbow to elbow they stand, the smut peddlers. In their hands are girls naked in the pap smear position inviting you to call them to your room for 69.00 minimum. They are “entertainers” and they can pass anything they want out on the street, because it is protected under the first amendment free speech, to not allow this would be CENSORSHIP.

They pass them to my son and his friends, to which I hand them back telling the smut peddlers that they are minors. I don’t even think they understood me because they don’t speak any English; however the smut in their hands really did not need much explanation.

I get to hear songs on the radio “you’re my bitch” or the ever popular “she is my whore” and other degrading terms which equate women to animals and subjects of service. I am offended.

I would like to know why some words (remember sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you) are POLITICALLY CORRECT yet others infringe on someone’s right to say them and so they are allowed? I can’t help is if a Mexican is from Mexico. Nor does anyone call anyone racists for saying that all Americans care about is starting war (that’s racists, not all Americans), however I don’t see anyone calling that not POLITICALLY CORRECT.

People have had people pulled off the air for offending with comments when “Girls Gone Wild” which has been proven to have filmed children under the influence of alcohol and distributed it across state lines is being sold on comedy central for 19.99 a month, but no one is offended?

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is nothing more than an infringement on free speech and it is CENSORSHIP at its very core. Why do you bruises mean more than mine?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am not a psychic but...........

I am not a psychic but……………

Bicycle stock will rise (more people riding bikes for transportation.)
Comfortable flat shoes will be the new “Hollywood Must Have” (everyone will be ditching their heels for walking shoes because people will have to do more walking.)
Smaller living spaces will be in demand (People will figure out how much it actually costs to maintain square footage with repair, furnishing, cleaning and heating and cooling.)
There is will some form of universal health care enacted (all the unemployed people are all losing their insurance and if anyone has checked what the cost of “cobra” is? Bites as hard the real Cobra.)
Donations to places like the Salvation Army and Goodwill will decline when all.
The donors will figure out that they are the poor ones.
As the drug rehab centers and mental health centers begin to lose in the budget
cuts the police and jails will be allowed more funding to house them when they
break laws.
Bus manufacturer stocks will rise as the demand for public transportation rises.

The world is going through some changes right now and people will survive but there will be some shifting going on to compensate for those changes. What changes do you see happening where you live?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Give me something to work with!

A woman walks in and shows me a photo of Elizabeth Taylor, “I want her eyebrows” she tells me. Designing eyebrows is one of my talents, I am basically the “bitch of eyebrows”, and everyone comes to me for my opinion. The trick to this is that you have to have the bone structure to wear that eyebrow. Take a look at magazines and you will notice that no one has two eyebrows alike. Your right and left hand are not the same size or your feet for that matter. Okay, so now I am rambling a little bit, but the point I would like to make is that if you want something great “give me something to work with” I need a structure to place your success.

This is not meant to be a political blog although I have no problem discussing politics, this has nothing to do with the candidates and everything to do with the voters (non voters are the worst offenders.)

If anyone thinks that either candidate is going to radically change anything for you, I would like to tell you to turn in all the Disney movies because they are being recalled for faulty delusions

When we have a country that waits for out government to solve our problems when we aren’t willing to make simply adjustments for ourselves is not saying much for how bad we want change or how badly we think this country needs some corrective action.

We have people that won’t give up their gas guzzlers.
We have people that continually eat crap fast food.
We have people that continue to smoke, even though they know it is bad for them.
We build huge churches for a dead homeless guy (Jesus) yet the homeless people that are alive are sleeping in the streets.
Prison guards make more than school teachers.
Half the country doesn’t even vote because they think their vote doesn’t make a difference.
Meth addicts? Like you didn’t know it was highly addictive?

I could keep this list going on and feel free to add to it but the point is that if anyone is really thinking that these candidates are going to wave a magic wand and release you from your responsibility of what we do everyday, everyway to thing everything I think you are just not looking at the big picture here.

We are the power and with every action, everyday, every word we change our world, not one of these politicians. We control them if everyone engages and goes tribal with participation. We want success, and then give me something to work with!

As long as we have the majority of our population looking for promises, magic wands and voodoo spells to fix this problem we are in for a big disappointment.

We need a foundation, a structure, an intention to bring this forward. I heard some guy on television telling me that our country is what it is because we dream? Are you kidding me? Does anyone really think that the rice farmer in China is not able to dream too?
Give yourself something to work with, be your backbone, and be your truth in your words and actions. This is a country of the people by the people for the people, but the people have to actually show up for the job.

Check out this blog:

(Sorry but I suffer from link dysfunction disorder)
It is some really interesting writes on truth and commitment to the truth. If we want to live our lives in the truth, we need to surround ourselves with like minds to drown out the voices of deception.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Be careful to ask what kind of change you want

Does anyone have change for a dollar?
How do I want it?
I don't care, I just want change. I am tire of carrying around this one dollar bill around.
How about 100 pennies?
Maybe 20 nickels?
50 pennies and 10 nickels?
80 pennies, 1 dime and 2 nickels?
Change is great. It can be convenient. But, when you seek change, you should be very specific on what kind of change you need. 100 pennies can be a heavy weight to carry around while you proudly announce that you got the change that you wanted.
Try to find a vending machine that will take them. See the faces of the happy people behind you in line as the cashier has to count them out. Everyone has to live with your change.
When you seek change, make sure it is the change that works.
What kind of change do you want?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Are we a nation of "Kid Haters?"
I only ask that because a deception stands before us when what we say is about 10 miles away from what we actually do.
Let's take these housing developments that do not allow anyone under the age of 18 to live or visit there. When they were first built it was thought that you could not pry these grandparents away from their families, guessed wrong I guess because they are booming. The demand for housing that is the Disneyland for older adults is booming, why deal with the rest of the world when you can be picky. Their "Utopia" is fencing off their own little world to avoid all the real world problems that their stock portfolio's expanded on. They would like to skip all those pesky taxes the "real world" has created, after all they had nothing to do with it and they don't personally have children they send to school anymore.
I am wondering how this can be legal. How can it be that you cannot restrict a renter or buyer because how old they are just when they are too young?
What is really strange is these older people are the same generation that pushed all that "sexual revolution" and "free spirit commune living" and now somehow they have decided to get picky about who their neighbor is? Where is all that "free love" now?
It seems like the kids are always getting the short end of the stick in this country. Because it is our legal obligation to house and feed them till they are 18 we can kick them out because that is what the law says, not because it is right or wrong. Not because maybe at 18 many "adults" are not really adults at all, their brains don't fully develop till years later. If anyone has noticed for financial aid in college many times the forms take into consideration the parents income till the student is 24, which is ridiculous when the parents don't have any legal responsibility to the student by law. Let me rant on one subject that strikes a nerve. When I child gets out of high school and does not continue on into college they are removed from the parents health insurance. Why is this? What if the child doesn't have the money to attend college or takes a few years off to work for money for college? So the rule is that if a kid has parents that can afford college the kid gets insurance but too bad for the kids that have parents that can't afford college or are lousy parents?
Why do we treat our kids like crap in this country? Because they don't vote and because people think that it is not their kid, so it is not their problem. Reality check: One out of every 100 persons in this country is in jail now. Do you think this lack of valuing our future crops has made them not value the world as well? I mean why bother caring, no one else does?
More children every year in this country and every year get murdered by someone they know than died in 9/11. They die looking into a face they loved and trusted. More die this way every year than died in 9/11, yet we are not able to find these terrorists right here in this country. Anyone care to start profiling these offenders?
25% of children in this country are not receiving their support from a parent. Yet we can send an officer to Wal-Mart for arrest a shoplifter.
The prison guards are making more than our school teachers.
I think if we take a moment to look at a field that we expect to produce food we can see that if you do not tend to the field and pull the weeds out there will not be a crop to produce food. Very few people are cactus, only thriving with crap soil, minimal water and blaring hit. Even then the cactus only blooms once a year.
Are we here for self preservation or preservation of the species?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Electronic Vultures

It was 109 here yesterday. I am not complaining because I have lived here for so long that I no longer have illusions of cool summers. Summers are hot that is why they are in the summer. I have become the deluxe edition of reality.
I take a little break from the heat every few weeks. I live indoors almost the entire summer otherwise. We recently went to the beach over in California. We stayed in Venice Beach. It is a really cool place. The sidewalks are jammed with different flavors. It is a huge people buffet.
As the sun set, my son and I walked on the beach. Perfect day! That cool breeze that carries fresh air and then I looked down. The remnants of people that have received their annual dose of sunburn ravaged the coast. Single shoes, sand drenched knotted towels, abandoned buckets that once built a castle and electronic vultures! I think the electronic vultures outnumbered the seagulls.
I have seen the commercials on television of how easy it is to find treasure, but somehow this person pushing the keys and writing this just doesn't think it is lucky to find other people possessions as a hobby. I guess I am not looking to get "lucky."
What is an electronic vulture? They scan the beach right as the sun sets with their metal detectors looking for "hidden treasure" that the people have left during the day. Things lost in the sand. I wonder why someone would keep a lost wedding ring or what they do with those car keys that they find. I am thinking that there is a difference between something being abandoned and something being lost that the owner could retrieve if they could. I am thinking that it is one thing to do this as a "look and see" but these people out there are pretty serious about what they are doing and there were over 20 when I stopped counting. I would be a lousy pirate because I would return the treasure once found. I would use the metal detector for those that have lost something in the sand, not to get "lucky."

I can only speak for myself. Does anyone know anyone that does this?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What is a true friend

They say that if you can count all your friends on one hand, you are lucky.

I have used up all my fingers and am almost out of toes, so I guess I am super lucky.

But, so are they. I am a true friend. I am the one that at three in the morning will come and get you at a bar when you have too much to drink. I will dash through the rain to get you when your tire gets a flat. I will keep your secrets, even when you are no longer my friend.

What? That’s right, if you tell me something at a moment when we WERE friends and the condition of that transfer was based on friendship, it remains frozen in that promise for life.

I bring this discussion forward because of the overload of “tell all” books that are being sold. I really feel like it is treasured private information. I am not a person that slows down at traffic accidents or lurks into people windows of their homes. I never glance at open doors in the hallways at hotels. I value privacy. Mine, theirs, yours and ours.

I can’t even read magazines anymore. I haven’t picked up one in several months. I carry a book with me at all times. My secret device against gossip, it protects me.

I think what saddens me the most is that those people trusted this information with someone and they got burned. I wonder if they will ever be able to disclose or share themselves again, knowing that someone will pay big money for a piece of their “human?”

Don’t we all sort through our “stuff” with our friends?

I have a rule of thumb that I use when picking friends “if they will do it with you, they will do it to you” which means if I hear them gossiping about anyone else, they are immediately taken out of the “potential friends column” and placed in the “casual acquaintance” column.

How do you know when you have a true friend?