Sunday, August 24, 2008

Political Correctness is Censorship

I am walking down the Las Vegas Strip on my sons’ birthday. Elbow to elbow they stand, the smut peddlers. In their hands are girls naked in the pap smear position inviting you to call them to your room for 69.00 minimum. They are “entertainers” and they can pass anything they want out on the street, because it is protected under the first amendment free speech, to not allow this would be CENSORSHIP.

They pass them to my son and his friends, to which I hand them back telling the smut peddlers that they are minors. I don’t even think they understood me because they don’t speak any English; however the smut in their hands really did not need much explanation.

I get to hear songs on the radio “you’re my bitch” or the ever popular “she is my whore” and other degrading terms which equate women to animals and subjects of service. I am offended.

I would like to know why some words (remember sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you) are POLITICALLY CORRECT yet others infringe on someone’s right to say them and so they are allowed? I can’t help is if a Mexican is from Mexico. Nor does anyone call anyone racists for saying that all Americans care about is starting war (that’s racists, not all Americans), however I don’t see anyone calling that not POLITICALLY CORRECT.

People have had people pulled off the air for offending with comments when “Girls Gone Wild” which has been proven to have filmed children under the influence of alcohol and distributed it across state lines is being sold on comedy central for 19.99 a month, but no one is offended?

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is nothing more than an infringement on free speech and it is CENSORSHIP at its very core. Why do you bruises mean more than mine?

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