Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Confession: My Addiction to Porn

I have this little sick collection of yummies. I flip through the pages and even involve myself with some of the naughty cable television programs. Late at night while I am under the covers my head swells with thoughts of these naughty delights.
I am addicted to porn.
Food porn to be exact. I savor the photographed moments of sensations to be. I rip them out of the magazines and newspapers and hide them under my mattress. They look so good and the thought of them in my mouth makes me swoon!
How can anything that looks that good, be so bad for you?
I struggle with these visual images of what should be and the reality of what I serve up in my kitchen. Do you think they morph the food just like the centerfolds?
Now, a new addition to feed this addiction: Online porn!
The following websites have just about every recipe you could ever want making cookbooks obsolete. Enjoy yourself and welcome to my sick little world!

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