Monday, May 26, 2008

Join my Human Union

Without making this blog a political I am just going to state that if any of you are really thinking that who you vote for is going to change the world as opposed to what you do everyday, you are just buying a "life pill" this is the exact form of denial that a "diet pill" called a short cut which is usually the longest way.
Does anybody really think that everyone participating in this 1960 "Leave it to Beaver" life of the American Dream every really existed? Or is the image that played over and over again on a commercial that has the potential to produce the illusion?
For all of you that do not know this. There is no such thing as magic, it is all illusion. Moving things in another space while you are distracted and looking at something else the "magician" is doing. It is your own brains inability to see that makes you think it just happened "like magic."
One day at work someone asked me to sit them really close to the stage at a magic show I was working, "I want to see" she said. I replied "you are not suppose to see, that is the point of magic, no one see's."

Now the real truth. Our country was based on screwing the poor. The economy and taxation were planned out by those that were not evenly distributing decisions, but those that would have the power placed in their hands. Lobbyists have found out just how this illlusion that our system is so fair because it is totally for sale because that money that goes through lobbyists is equal to what we pay for medicare expenditures that the government claims that it might not be able to afford in the future, however think about the profits of these corporations due to dilligent lobbying is able to afford the lobbying?
When we could not get people to work cheap enough, we brought in slave labor. Between the need for our own expansion, unions demand for fair treatment the need for more cheap labor continued. We had Mexico next door and that was a viable place for cheap labor. Currently in Mexico they are paying $3.00 an hour for labor (before taxation) and that includes all benefits (whatever that is) you could not live in this country on $24.00 a day without some kind of assistance. In China it is like $1.30 an hour. This is actually cheaper than having to feed a slave here in the U.S.
How smart are these corporations? How smart are we? We are participating in slave labor by outsourcing. We think it is okay because because they have this "different" standard of living, but we know better. Who are we really helping? We did not give them a life and a skill they own, they are tied up to the plow and produce work for our corporations.
Maybe with this gas crisis and devaluation of our dollars we will be able to be responsible for what and how we do things. Places like Silicon Valley are still keeping their property values and have actually added jobs this last cycle. But, their products are all made in China, so with the exchange rate maybe they will have to raise prices and price themselves into a corner. The corner they deserve to be put in. How many people did they think they could screw before the very person they were screwing is themselves?
Meanwhile back to my rambling. There will never be jobs and opportunity for everyone because it is that bottom of the population they squeeze for profit. Someone has to watch the baby for the coporate attorney, someone has to clean the toilets, someone has to pick up the garbage at Disneyland! Not that there is anything wrong with an honest days work, but we are in this mindset that those jobs are disgraceful and for the "lower class." They are an integral part of our economy. But, we expect everyone to be educated so they can join in the American Dream of being educated and getting a great future, but because we have told Americans that these are bottom feeder jobs they feel like it is beneath them to take it, so now we have to bring in immigrants to take them while we are outsourcing limiting those jobs that college graduates will be placed in. Is anyone really buying this song and dance of future opportunity? If you won't take enough abuse, they will just outsource it. Create a social program and call themselves humanitarians. Who pays for the humanitarian effort of social programs because of outsourcing, .........that is not and illusion we do.
I am not against social programs but I am against social programs that create a safety net for corporations that have bitten the hand that has fed them in the past.
In closing my rant, I would like to remind everyone that it is what we do everyday that will change our future not one of these politicians. We allow these politicians to make that choice when we just hand over our trust and not use our judgement and engage in the real issues.
In order to save this country we must first save ourselves only if that happens can every spark of energy create an orchestrated song of prosperity.
Count on me because I am counting on you! Brothers and Sisters I am officially launching my Human Union. We all must stick together and demand a higher quality of life.

PS. Boycott foreign goods. Refuse to use customer service that is outsourced.

1 comment:

Lyndon Storey blog author said...

A true human union would be for the benefit of all humans not just the citizens of one country. In reality justice in one country is not justice. The best solution to the problems you write about is to build a political solution consistent with all of humanity having an equal opportunity to benefit,(a true human union) rather than an approach designed to benefit only the citizens of one country.

For instance see