Sunday, July 13, 2008

Are we a nation of "Kid Haters?"
I only ask that because a deception stands before us when what we say is about 10 miles away from what we actually do.
Let's take these housing developments that do not allow anyone under the age of 18 to live or visit there. When they were first built it was thought that you could not pry these grandparents away from their families, guessed wrong I guess because they are booming. The demand for housing that is the Disneyland for older adults is booming, why deal with the rest of the world when you can be picky. Their "Utopia" is fencing off their own little world to avoid all the real world problems that their stock portfolio's expanded on. They would like to skip all those pesky taxes the "real world" has created, after all they had nothing to do with it and they don't personally have children they send to school anymore.
I am wondering how this can be legal. How can it be that you cannot restrict a renter or buyer because how old they are just when they are too young?
What is really strange is these older people are the same generation that pushed all that "sexual revolution" and "free spirit commune living" and now somehow they have decided to get picky about who their neighbor is? Where is all that "free love" now?
It seems like the kids are always getting the short end of the stick in this country. Because it is our legal obligation to house and feed them till they are 18 we can kick them out because that is what the law says, not because it is right or wrong. Not because maybe at 18 many "adults" are not really adults at all, their brains don't fully develop till years later. If anyone has noticed for financial aid in college many times the forms take into consideration the parents income till the student is 24, which is ridiculous when the parents don't have any legal responsibility to the student by law. Let me rant on one subject that strikes a nerve. When I child gets out of high school and does not continue on into college they are removed from the parents health insurance. Why is this? What if the child doesn't have the money to attend college or takes a few years off to work for money for college? So the rule is that if a kid has parents that can afford college the kid gets insurance but too bad for the kids that have parents that can't afford college or are lousy parents?
Why do we treat our kids like crap in this country? Because they don't vote and because people think that it is not their kid, so it is not their problem. Reality check: One out of every 100 persons in this country is in jail now. Do you think this lack of valuing our future crops has made them not value the world as well? I mean why bother caring, no one else does?
More children every year in this country and every year get murdered by someone they know than died in 9/11. They die looking into a face they loved and trusted. More die this way every year than died in 9/11, yet we are not able to find these terrorists right here in this country. Anyone care to start profiling these offenders?
25% of children in this country are not receiving their support from a parent. Yet we can send an officer to Wal-Mart for arrest a shoplifter.
The prison guards are making more than our school teachers.
I think if we take a moment to look at a field that we expect to produce food we can see that if you do not tend to the field and pull the weeds out there will not be a crop to produce food. Very few people are cactus, only thriving with crap soil, minimal water and blaring hit. Even then the cactus only blooms once a year.
Are we here for self preservation or preservation of the species?

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