Friday, July 25, 2008

Give me something to work with!

A woman walks in and shows me a photo of Elizabeth Taylor, “I want her eyebrows” she tells me. Designing eyebrows is one of my talents, I am basically the “bitch of eyebrows”, and everyone comes to me for my opinion. The trick to this is that you have to have the bone structure to wear that eyebrow. Take a look at magazines and you will notice that no one has two eyebrows alike. Your right and left hand are not the same size or your feet for that matter. Okay, so now I am rambling a little bit, but the point I would like to make is that if you want something great “give me something to work with” I need a structure to place your success.

This is not meant to be a political blog although I have no problem discussing politics, this has nothing to do with the candidates and everything to do with the voters (non voters are the worst offenders.)

If anyone thinks that either candidate is going to radically change anything for you, I would like to tell you to turn in all the Disney movies because they are being recalled for faulty delusions

When we have a country that waits for out government to solve our problems when we aren’t willing to make simply adjustments for ourselves is not saying much for how bad we want change or how badly we think this country needs some corrective action.

We have people that won’t give up their gas guzzlers.
We have people that continually eat crap fast food.
We have people that continue to smoke, even though they know it is bad for them.
We build huge churches for a dead homeless guy (Jesus) yet the homeless people that are alive are sleeping in the streets.
Prison guards make more than school teachers.
Half the country doesn’t even vote because they think their vote doesn’t make a difference.
Meth addicts? Like you didn’t know it was highly addictive?

I could keep this list going on and feel free to add to it but the point is that if anyone is really thinking that these candidates are going to wave a magic wand and release you from your responsibility of what we do everyday, everyway to thing everything I think you are just not looking at the big picture here.

We are the power and with every action, everyday, every word we change our world, not one of these politicians. We control them if everyone engages and goes tribal with participation. We want success, and then give me something to work with!

As long as we have the majority of our population looking for promises, magic wands and voodoo spells to fix this problem we are in for a big disappointment.

We need a foundation, a structure, an intention to bring this forward. I heard some guy on television telling me that our country is what it is because we dream? Are you kidding me? Does anyone really think that the rice farmer in China is not able to dream too?
Give yourself something to work with, be your backbone, and be your truth in your words and actions. This is a country of the people by the people for the people, but the people have to actually show up for the job.

Check out this blog:

(Sorry but I suffer from link dysfunction disorder)
It is some really interesting writes on truth and commitment to the truth. If we want to live our lives in the truth, we need to surround ourselves with like minds to drown out the voices of deception.

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